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Termite prevention plan

- Activate your Warranty and adhere to the annual inspections as required under the terms of your warranty.
- Always ensure that the exposed slab edge termite barrier is clean and unobstructed.
- Ensure garden beds, plants, mulch etc. do not cover the exposed slab edge termite barrier.
- Never stack anything against the outside walls of your home.
- Engage the installer of your termite protection system to conduct 12 monthly termite inspections on your home.
- If, for whatever reason, you choose to cover the exposed slab edge termite barrier, you must first consult with the installer of your termite protection system. The installer will discuss your requirements for an additional physical termite barrier.
Your home has been constructed with an industry leading termite management system.
The protection system includes the use of a physical termite barrier installed to all key termite entry points, as well as an exposed slab edge around the perimeter of the home to provide a visual inspection zone.
The visual inspection zone either runs 75mm horizontally out from the bottom of the brickwork and/or Hebel or 75mm vertically for light weight cladding. This integrated termite management approach is designed to stop & repel termites in their tracks, ultimately pushing them out in to areas where they can be easily detected during annual termite inspections.
For the system to work best, the edge of your slab, or mowing strip, should always be left exposed. Always position garden plants away from your external walls, and never stack anything against the wall, as this only serves to hide termite entry. It’s always recommended to also consider additional termite protection advice when preparing for your driveway design, or completing other concreting/decking around the house as these works can sometimes compromise your system.
Each home is protected by the manufactuer’s warranty. This cover is initially provided complimentary at handover and is extended each year subject to annual termite inspections by the installer of your system. In addition to the required annual professional inspection, you should also conduct monthly visual inspections around the perimeter of your home to ensure there are no signs of termite activity.
For more information on your termite protection system, please refer to your handover pack for full details of product and warranty cover, and the QBCC publication Termite Management Systems – advisory notes for builders and homeowners.
The contents of this page are intended as a guide only. Please refer to your HIA contract which takes precedence to the information shown. The term “maintenance period” is referred to as the “defects and liability period” in your HIA contract. For more information please refer to a Coral Homes representative.