Service & Warranty
Expert after-care
From air-conditioning to appliances, basins to bricks and tapware to toilets, thousands of products from dozens of suppliers have been used in the construction of Coral Homes. Our Service & Warranty Program gives homeowners the necessary information and tools to maintain products with specific warranty guidelines.

Product Warranty Guide
Here is all the information you need in relation to your foundations, landscaping, site drainage and surface water grates.
Your new home has been constructed utilising thousands of products, many of which require ongoing maintenance to ensure they stand the test of time. Refer to manufacturer’s information on how to properly maintain your home.
Keep your home a safe and comfortable space for your family. Refer to manufacturer’s information on how to properly maintain your new home.
Coral Homes’ Service & Warranty program is about working with you to ensure you settle in comfortably into your new home. Find the answers you need to commonly asked questions about this important service.
The aftercare process
At the handover stage, Coral Homes’ Service & Warranty program gives homeowners the necessary information and tools to maintain and extend the life of their products. A dedicated Service & Warranty Coordinator will arrange the fixing of any minor items such as hairline cracking to cornices and cabinetry adjustments, which may result when new homes settle.
The service period in Queensland is 12 months, while in NSW it’s 13 weeks. Watch the Aftercare video to the left or read about the step-by-step process below.
Warranty Request Form
Please provide us with the below information so we can suit your needs
Disclaimer: The contents of this page are intended as a guide only. Please refer to your HIA contract which takes precedence to the information shown. The term “maintenance period” is referred to as the “defects and liability period” in your HIA contract. For more information please refer to a Coral Homes representative. *Aftercare service rating is based on Net Promotor Scoring from 01.11.20 to 30.11.20.