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Coral build times: one of the fastest at Emerald Hills

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Coral construction ahead of the game

One of the perks of being a leading new home builder for over 30 years, is that Coral Homes has developed trusted relationships with trades, suppliers and developers.
Our construction team is always striving for the best and is able to source quality trades thanks to our industry connections. In fact, Coral is known for its conservative approach, only taking on customers in line with our capacities.

What does this mean for you and your new build? A quality home, built on time, to the highest of industry standards!

Sydney homes open ahead of some other builders

Have you seen our newly opened display homes at Emerald Hills, Leppington? Our Lisbon 28 SZMonash 32 SZ and Baltimore 35 SZ homes are now open for you to explore!

Coral Homes is proud to be one of the first builders to complete our displays at Emerald Hills estate. Find out more about our build times via the video below!

Dreaming of building a new home, exactly how you like it?

Join Coral’s community of over 25,000 homeowners! As HIA’s most Professional Major Builder for two years running, Coral Homes is a builder you can count on.

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